Monday, December 26, 2011

Tips on Choosing a Baby's Car Safety Seat

!±8± Tips on Choosing a Baby's Car Safety Seat

Without a doubt, child safety is one of the highest priority for parents with babies. If you are driving, the first thing you want to consider is finding a good quality child safety seat. Here are some suggestions we would like to share with you when choosing your perfect child safety seat.

When it comes to choosing the right car safety seat for your child, you must consider your child's age, weight and height. The car safety seat must be used correctly in order to avoid serious injury or death.

If you have an infant that is under 1 year old and less than 9 kg (20 lb.), choose a safety seat that is specifically tailored to your baby's size. It should be rear-facing seat and not intended for use by older baby. Infant car seat is best to use until at least one year old and a minimum of 10 kg (22 lb.). You must follow the manufacturer's safety recommendations for height/weight.

If your baby is older than one but less than four and weigh between 9 and 18 kg (20-40 lb.), choose a forward-facing car seat. This type is more convenient for the parents. However, it should still be installed in the back seat of a car. Again, follow the manufacturer's safety recommendations for height/weight.

If your child is under the age of 8, weighing between 18 kg and 36 kg (40 - 80 lb.) and less than 145 cm (4' 9") tall, choose a Belt-positioning Booster Seat. This seat uses the regular in-car shoulder belts to secure the child. If your child is older than 8 and weigh more than 36 kg (80 lb.), he or she is now ready to use the car's seat belt.

Many car safety seats are convertible, they can be turned from a rear-facing position to forward-facing with a few simple movements. However, you must always consider the other factors such as your baby age, weight and height characteristics in order to get one that is safe for your baby.

Children come in different shapes, some are slender, taller, others are shorter and more rounded. That means they all fit a little differently in the car safety seat.

Also, take note that there is a difference between an infant seat and an infant car seat. The former is just a baby carrier that can be placed in the car, on the floor or table at home. A car seat is specifically designed to be used in the car.

When using a car safety seat, be sure that harness straps are snug and tight. Use a tether strap with a forward-facing child car seat.

Tips on Choosing a Baby's Car Safety Seat

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Triumph Car Show & Vehicle History

!±8± Triumph Car Show & Vehicle History

Triumph is a British motor company which is probably one of the oldest in the business of automobiles and motorbikes. The company was first founded in Germany but later moved to Coventry, England. In the beginning, Triumph was only involved with manufacture of bicycles and motorbikes. The Triumph motor bikes were favored by the British army and Triumph quickly became a household name.

In 1921, the company ventured into car making and released the first Triumph 10/20. This led to more successive cars which were elegant and speedy. However, in the 30s and 40s, there were far too many car companies and engineering feats had not conquered all the mechanical problems. Triumph went into severe financial hardships and stopped production for most of the 2nd world war. The company underwent more changes after the war and was finally bought by British Leyland in the 60s.

Triumph continued to make both sports and sedans and was quite successful on the domestic market. The TR7 series had many engineering problems including excessive consumption of gas and failure to run at high altitudes. This was followed by the TR8 which was more fuel efficient but had multiple breakdowns.

Triumph finally closed in 1984 and was replaced by the Rover 200. Today. BMW owns the rover group and Triumph has been relegated to the history books.

Triumph primarily failed because the engineering was second rate. The cars were frequently known to break down and even though speedy consumed too much gas. During the oil crises of the 70s, the car went downhill and could never get back on its feet. Plus, at the sometime there were many other domestic and international cars which were much cheaper and fuel efficient. Consumers in the 70s were just learning how to be energy conscious and were looking for fuel efficient cars- not gas guzzlers.

BMW has not expressed any interest in reviving Triumph. The current economic gloom has all car manufacturers on the brink of bankruptcy and no more fool hardy innovations are planned.

Triumph Car Show & Vehicle History

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Baby Birth Announcements

!±8± Baby Birth Announcements

The birth of a child is an exciting time. Parents make phone calls to tell all their family and friends and everyone buys presents for the newest person in their world. Proud parents and excited grandparents want the world to know about this great little person that has entered their life. It seems logical that parents would want to announce their child's birth formally with baby birth announcements.

Baby birth announcements may be the first impression that your child makes in the minds of friends and families that do not live close by so you likely want to make it a good impression. Your baby's birth announcement will be seen on fridges, mantel pieces, and in wallets of those who just can't wait to brag a little. The birth announcement is something that people save in their scrapbooks to show off to future generations to come and send across the world to help distant family members feel more in touch. You can make a good impressions by making your baby birth announcement unique and pleasing to the eye.

You can find many contemporary designs that allow you to add your favorite baby photo to create a special announcement card. Designs that help make the color come alive accentuate the announcement and make it unforgettable. A special verse or quotation can be chosen to individualize it.

If you have a hard time finding baby birth announcements that are as unique and special as your child, you may want to think about using an online catalogue to broaden your choices. Online you can find a great scope of selections to choose from. You can also find places online where you can design your own birth announcements. You can add special graphics, the names of the other members of the family, pictures of the baby, fancy backgrounds, and other things to make your baby birth announcements extraordinary. A special Bible verse, a few lines of a poem, or sincere thought from the proud parents may be that extra-special touch that will make it memorable. You can find a great array of affordable, elegant, and stylish custom designs to choose from. Birth announcements that you order online can be printed out and mailed to you or you can send a baby announcement e-card to as many people as you like.

A baby birth announcement that is stylish and unique will be remembered for a long time by those who care for and cherish the new addition to the family. Remember, your baby birth announcements are the first impressions that many will have of your new family addition, so isn't it worth your time and effort to make it exceptional?

Baby Birth Announcements

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kitchen Playsets For Toddlers

!±8± Kitchen Playsets For Toddlers

It was only yesterday that I was watching a film and saw a toddler-playing kitchen with her pet. It really feels quite amazing to watch the young ones play full of imagination with their kitchen sets. It is very useful in bringing out creativity within the child. It makes me remember the scene from "Hook" wherein Peter Pan is imagining he is eating yummy delicacies and suddenly food comes up in real. It is all believing and imagining which can make things possible. A kitchen playset signals this kind of imagination to bring out the best from a child.

Let toddlers weave their own story

It is very important until a certain age to let your kid grow independently. These practices will only let the baby have a steady mental growth. Self talk, making up games to play are all elements that will reflect success tomorrow in your little ones life. Kitchen playsets for toddlers are such innovative toys that fully let them play and weave their own kitchen story. They prepare their own food, and feel happy with their imaginary success. Not only do they learn to be independent and have their own way with their games but also they learn to distribute and share from a very young age itself.

Play kitchen - the best way to teach etiquettes

Not everything can you teach your kid, certain things are meant to be developed naturally. All throughout the playing spree, the toddlers learn on their own the few basics of manners and etiquettes. They learn to cooperate, work timely and also cleanliness and hygiene. They are taught to be particular about their kitchen sets, keep them tidily and arrange them each time they want to play with it. You can go buy a kitchen set for your kid also at the same time you can custom make it. The easiest thing about the kitchen playsets for toddlers is that once you fix it up, it lasts for quite sometime.

Kitchen playsets for toddlers - choose the right one

It depends on the parents as to what they want to buy for their kid. The range also the age of the child matters in this case. You select the color and size of the playset depending on your requirements. Once, you have decided all this it is time for you to decide that after how long you will replace the old one for the kid. Generally once you have laid out the play kitchen set it can be kept that way without dismantling for a longtime. You also have to consider your child's taste in this case as the toddler might want to play with something else within a few days.

While you are selecting kitchen playsets for toddlers remember to go for loud colors and vibrant graphics. These will help your child grow better and faster having a swift mental growth. The colors and the other features like numbers and various objects in the play kitchen ensure educational qualities along with the whole playing fun. The toddler starts learning colors, numbers, and identifies objects faster when introduced to such toys from a young age.

Kitchen Playsets For Toddlers

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Buy Specific Baby Strollers For Each Task

!±8± Buy Specific Baby Strollers For Each Task

A lot of us do not pay much attention to details when it comes to searching for the perfect stroller that our babies can use. What we normally do is that we grab the first stroller we see or perhaps choose the ones which look cute and beautiful.

However, while we are understandably enthusiastic about welcoming a new member to the family, we should careful about the baby strollers which we buy for them, and, depending on what we have planned or the day, it is a highly recommended that we don't stick to one stroller to use regardless of what we will be doing.

To preserve out baby strollers and to make sure that they would last for those years to come, to be handed down from generation to generation, it is a good idea that we have one stroller for every little thing which we plan to do.

For instance, we can make use of a jogging stroller if we plan to go jogging. Jogging strollers are built especially for this particular task and as such, they are expected to last longer.

In the same manner, whenever we go to the mall and want to bring along our baby, a lightweight or umbrella stroller will easily do the trick.

Just imagine bringing along the standard stroller which has wheels around 3-4 inches thick when we choose to go jogging. It will be too bulky and would only be good to have along if we have some shopping trips planned.

The umbrella strollers, which are light, are the perfect strollers to bring along since it will certainly not pose any hassle to the jogger while he performs his daily routine.

We may well be asking ourselves if buying too many strollers for each task performed would be too expensive or costly.

We should not worry much because whenever we buy the right stroller for the job, we are saving a lot as it is not subjected to the usual wear and tear.

Making the right choices with respect to the stroller to be used prevents it from being destroyed or broken, because the stroller was specially designed for that particular purpose thereby keeping our babies safe and cuddly.

These are all devices aimed to protect and make our child more comfortable.

While we have a large collection of strollers out there waiting to be purchased, it should always be remembered that our purpose or what we intend to do should always be borne in mind.

Buy Specific Baby Strollers For Each Task

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Is Your Baby's Bottle Safe?

!±8± Is Your Baby's Bottle Safe?

What is bisphenol A and why should you be worried?

Bisphenol-A is an endocrine disruptor. And 'mimics estrogen in the human body and can estrogenizing effect on animals and humans when it is absorbed into their bodies. In animal studies, caused diabetes and destroys the endocrine system. Polycarbonate leaches, which is what most baby bottles are made. All five major brands Avent, Dr. Brown, Evenflo, Gerber and Playtex - Lye bisphenol-A,According to a recent government study.

Scientists and researchers warn that the bisphenol A dangerous health problems such as cancer, developmental delays and disorders of the immune and nervous systems may have. Because it is used in many products, is one of the first fifty products, produces the chemical industry and has generated several million dollars a day in profits in Europe, Asia and the United States.

What are some other products that you might not want the childBottles?

Phthalates, which cause cancer and early puberty in animal studies, are made of plastic, which has added to make it flexible. Heavy metals such as lead and cadmium are often found their way into plastic as part of the design and use many chemicals to remove mold products.

And 'possible to live without plastic, and what are some alternatives?

Glass is a good alternative to plastic. For those of us over fifty, were glass bottles and the standards we have managed to survive childhoodjust fine. Breastfeeding, of course, is the best option for babies, but even so, bottles are needed sometimes. And for many reasons, breastfeeding isn't always an option. Surely, your baby's health is worth a try with using glass bottles.

If you can't bring yourself to give up the light weight and shatterproof plastic, there are plastic bottles that are Bisphenol-A and phthalate-free. There are also safer sippy cups available for toddlers. And while you're eliminating these plastic toxins from your baby, you might want to think about getting rid of plastic entirely, at least as much as possible.

Our planet is clogged with plastic. Our landfills are overflowing with plastic bags and junk that won't go away for generations. Our oceans have more plastic than plankton in them. Sea creatures and fish choke to death from plastic six-pack rings and from eating plastic bags and packaging that looks like food to them. It's not only our babies and children who are being harmed by plastic toxins. It's our earth and our future that's at stake.

Is Your Baby's Bottle Safe?

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Evenflo Generations 65 Harness Booster Seat, Melbourne

!±8± Evenflo Generations 65 Harness Booster Seat, Melbourne

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  • Tensionright harness adjustment with central push button release
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Evenflo Generations 65 Harness Booster Seat, Melbourne

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Playtex baby bottles - A brief summary

!±8± Playtex baby bottles - A brief summary

Playtex now includes children of people who are in the world of the future. This is a fact, and is the reason I'm Playtex positioning from a global perspective. Playtex has been taking care of young people in the world for half a century.

To give many years of experience, research and the desire to bottle feed your baby feels comparable to that breastfeeding must strive to continually improve Playtex. This can be seen from their wide range of childBottles. Over the years, Playtex has indeed become a part of people's lives, some of the early development of children and their major partners in the care of children at home. Playtex has actually developed a lot of bottle models, among which are:

(1) Drop-Ins Original-Nursery
(2) Drop-Ins Premium Premium Nursery baby bottle
(3) Drop-in baby bottles
(4) baby bottles Twenty
(5) Twenty advanced Width
(6) Glass Bottle
(7) Spill-Proof Training Cup
(8) 8 oz Bottle Nursery
(9) Evenflo
(10) Nursery Starter Set
(11) Nursery Drop In Bottle
(12) Einstein Cup 9 oz insulated straw

1 Playtex Drop-Ins Original-Nursery

Used by mothers of different generations, the Playtex Drop-Ins Original Nursery-one of the few bottles that many facilities available on the market today. It also bears the signature Playtex prevents air taken into the belly of your child while your childsucks.

2 Drop-Ins Premium Nursery

This is an upgrade award to the original Nursery. Playtex Drop-In Nursery has a nipple that has formed so that the breasts have more like a real natural feel for the child. Its disposable bag-like coating allow parents to push out the air, can cause gas and others, after the discomfort of the breast to the baby.

3 Drop-ins

Because of its ease of use, availability, and the effects of gas on your child is not one of the Playtex Drop-Insall-time favorite among all the baby bottle brands.

Twenty 4 Playtex

Uniquely designed, highly reliable and proven to prevent digestive problems, Playtex Playtex Venti is further evidence of Engenuity.

Twenty advanced Width 5 Playtex

The Playtex Twenty Width advanced continually receive positive reviews from mothers. Twenty advanced widebody bottle has been clinically proven to reduce gas, spit, and colic. He was also known to prevent the earInfections in infants.

6 Playtex Glass

Parents today are among the first to try the Playtex bottle glass. This is one of the first children's products by Playtex and original.

7 Playtex Spill-Proof Training Cup

Playtex Spill-Proof Cup Playtex Baby Bottle education has a spill-proof valve that prevents leaks. Its airtight remains carefree pay all day.

8 Playtex bottles Nursery

A parts kit is called PlaytexPlaytex Drop-Ins System Playtex bottles Nursery Nursery acts as holding a disposable covering that contains your child's milk. Playtex bottles Nursery are well accepted by mothers for their availability, easy and simple warm-up functions loved. Playtex baby Nursery
You need to sterilize bottles just the nipple and ring assembly for future use.

9 Playtex Evenflo

The Evenflo Baby Playtex disposable bottle is a bottle. This applies to cases where the washing and sterilization designedFeeding your equipment for children are not possible, as in long journeys. This is a great innovation for people on the move.

Playtex 10 Nursery Starter Set

Playtex Bottle Starter Set Baby Nursery is another busy mothers who bottle-saves so much time. The bottle is made Baby Nursery starter kits for working mothers.

11 Playtex Drop-In Nursery Bottle

Equipped with nipples in various shapes can feel the baby bottles Playtex Drop-In Nursery your child, theNipple, to feel his mother's breast approaches. The decline in deposits would squeeze the baby sucks, prevents the penetration of gas in the child's abdomen. The bottle is empty in the heating also allows for easy to ship in a container with hot water.

12 Einstein 9 oz insulated straw cup

Einstein 9 oz Cup Straw block is a lead-free training as a bottle with a straw instead of a nipple discharge. That the first lessons your child does not drink like a childbut as an adult.

Playtex baby bottles - A brief summary

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